February Blog
Well, I successfully survived Mardi Gras! That week was crazy but I'm glad to have had the chance to rest and walk around New Orleans. The energy really is infectious. We completed the reproductive module this month and I was surprised by how interesting it was. There are more forms of estrogen and progesterone than I thought. We started the CNS module and I've also enjoyed that as someone who hopes to go into psychiatry. I had my first presentation in Neuroendocrinology and I'm pleased to say I think it went really well. Our topic was "Stress and Metabolism" and I chose to do my portion on the "freshman fifteen" myth (in reality it's more like the "freshman five"), weight changes in response to the pandemic, and personality features seen in overeaters. Later this week I'll be picking a research paper on a novel method of treating bipolar disorder and presenting it to the class. It's a topic I've always been passionate about so...